Postmodernism |
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Artificial Life: A Technoscience Leaving Modernity? An Anthropology of Subjects and Objects | Risan, Lars Christian | ENG | 975 K (incl. images) |
Backpacker Culture: Meaning and Identity Making Processes in the Backpacker Culture among Backpackers in Central America | Anderskov, Christina | ENG | 195 K |
Internett er skjebne før det er frihet - et forsvar for en frigjørende teknologideterminisme |
Risan, Lars | NO | 101 K |
Minding the Gap: Fra erfaring til formidling i antropologien | Raffing, Rie | DK | 41 K |
"Models of Social Complexity" - What is theory? | Nielsen, Finn Sivert | ENG | 22 K |
Culture -- Russian Kul’tura |
Nielsen, Finn Sivert | ENG |
31 K |
Why write? On the study of anthropological texts | Smedal, Olaf H. | ENG | 54 K |