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Cultural networks and mediating elites. A very unfinished model of the informal circulation of cultural values in the Soviet Union, with some questions about the post-Soviet situation Nielsen, Finn Sivert ENG 30 K
Elites in Soviet and post-Soviet societies Matonyte, Irmina ENG 114 K
EU Accession and Personal Enlightenment: Everyday Sociality and Political Mobilization among Young Latvian NGO Activists Linnet, Jeppe ENG 311 K
Personal Success Stories in the Estonian Press Toomere, Tuuli ENG 80 K
Reborn Nation, Pure Generation. Citizenship, Political Participation and International NGO Life among Young Latvians Linnet, Jeppe ENG 31 K
Weak States, Uncivil Societies and Thousands of NGOs: Western Democracy Export as Benevolent Colonialism in the Balkans Sampson, Steven ENG 47 K