Publishing on AnthroBase
Instructions on how to publish a text on AnthroBase. - Click here to print, cite or link to this page.

To publish a text on AnthroBase, send it as an e-mail attachment to:

Please include the following information:

  • Your full name

  • The title of your paper
  • Year (for copyright notice)
  • Bibliography and notes
  • Your e-mail address

What kinds of texts do we publish?

We publish work by students and professionals, by anthropologists and others with an interest in social and cultural variation. In length, our texts range from short essays to full-scale monographs. (Click here to read about our acceptance policy.)

Examples of texts we publish are:

What languages do we publish in?

AnthroBase is multilingual, and in principle accepts texts in any language. In practice, however, we can only accept texts that one of our language editors can read. 

As of February 2004, we are able to publish texts in the following languages:

Additional languages will be added to this list as soon as proficient language editors volunteer their services. If you would like to be a language editor for AnthroBase, please contact us! 

Click here to see a list of our present language editors.

Do we publish collections of texts?

AnthroBase can create special-purpose collections of texts, containing for example:

A text collection is accessed from a specially designed AnthroBase homepage. The page may contain additional information, such as links to other pages (e.g. of a conference, a course or a publisher), direct links to online purchasing opportunities (for books), emails, link collections, errata to published volumes, and additional information (on publishers, journals, books, conferences etc.).

Click here to see our collection list.

What is our acceptance policy?

Our acceptance criteria are fairly liberal, and texts are accepted on the basis of what we loosely refer to as their "potential interest for a larger anthropological audience". After review, texts may either be accepted "as is", returned with editorial suggestions, or refused.

Please note that:

Submitted texts will be reviewed by the editors, who retain the right to suggest changes or refuse submissions.

How should I send my text?

To publish a text on AnthroBase, send it as an e-mail attachment to:

If you do not have access to e-mail, send a diskette by regular post. (Click here for address details.)

If your text is available online, send us the web-address, with permission for us to download your text, reformat it in AnthroBase's standard format and save it on our server.

If you only have a printed version of the text, contact us! We may be able to scan it.

Please include the following information when you send your text:
  • Your full name
  • The title of your paper
  • Year (for copyright notice)
  • Bibliography and notes
  • Your e-mail address

How long will it take for us to publish your text?

The process of reformating and indexing texts is time-consuming, and the editors of AnthroBase are very busy people. It may therefore take some time before your text appears in AnthroBase. At present, we are in no position to commit ourselves to a deadline, but if you have not heard from us for 4-6 weeks, you might try to contact us and ask how things are going. We might at least be able to tell you when we think we will have time to do the job. We are sorry that this is such a problem, and we hope soon to be able to be more specific about publication times.

Should I suggest keywords for indexing?

Texts included in AnthroBase are indexed by the editors according to Author, Title, Regional focus, Thematic foci, and major Citations made in the text. While the first three of these categorizations are easy to make, categorization by Theme and Citation is time-consuming and difficult work.

When you submit a text, we therefore hope that you will suggest keywords yourself, that indicate:

Please note: Only major citations should be included. Themes may be defined either empirically, theoretically, or in terms of genre. See our thematic index for ideas.

Do I retain copyright to the texts I publish on AnthroBase?

You retain copyright to any text you publish on AnthroBase. You also retain the right to remove or change your text at any time.  As long as the text remains in AnthroBase, however, you must agree to waive your copyright in the following respects:

Can I remove or change a text I have published?

To change a published text:
You may edit your text after it has been published on AnthroBase and have the online version updated by us. Updating takes time, however, and you can simplify our task by consulting our guidelines for formats, layout and bibliographical standards (click here to see our guidelines). If you are planning a major update, please contact us.

To remove a published text:
You may remove your text at any time. To do so, send an e-mail to:

Please note that it will take at least two-three weeks for the text to removed from AnthroBase (at least four-six weeks during summer holidays). If you are in a rush, please notify us!

Retracting a text may be a useful option if (for example) you plan to publish your text in a journal or book, and you or your publisher would like to remove the online version published at AnthroBase.

You might also consider leaving an abstract or exerpt of your work on AnthroBase as a "teaser". Note that your publisher’s permission is required for this. Note also that we demand that "teasers" have substantive content - they cannot simply be advertisements. If you are publishing a book, we can also create a "book page" with links to the text you have left on AnthroBase, as well as other information about - or relevant to - the book (including a link to the publisher, where the book may be purchased online).

Layout and formatting

Please read the following carefully before submitting a text to AnthroBase!

1. Accepted document formats:

2. Layout, fonts, graphics:

3. Page numbers:

Please note that we will change the formatting of all texts to conform with the standard "look and feel" of AnthroBase.

Bibliographical standards

Consistent bibliographical standards have not yet been implemented in AnthroBase. If you have a choice of bibliographical formats, however, we prefer a format of the following kind:

Silverman, D. 1993. Interpreting Qualitative Data. Methods for Analysing Talk, Text and Interaction. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Article in book:
Stratton, J. 1997 [1985]. On the Importance of Subcultural Origins. In K. Gelder and S. Thornton (eds.) The Subcultures Reader. New York: Routledge, pp.181-191.

Article in journal:
Cerbone, David R. 1994. Don't look but think: Imaginary scenarios in Wittgenstein's later philosophy. Inquiry 37(2): 159-183.

Note on privacy and e-mail

As part of our normal editorial policy, AnthroBase will include your e-mail address in your text when we publish it, thus allowing readers to contact you directly with feedback and opinions. If you do not want your e-mail address published, please notify us! If you prefer to be contacted by other means than e-mail, please notify us of the relevant details (postal address, phone or fax number etc.).