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Sample author’s page


Author - Finn Sivert Nielsen

Contact at:
Disciplinary specialization: Anthropologist
Present location: University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Previous locations: University of Leningrad, USSR; University of Tromsø, Norway.
Education at: University of Oslo
Prominent publication: Nærmere kommer du ikke... Håndbok i antropologisk feltarbeid, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 1996
Online publications at:
Regional specialization: Russia / East Europe; USA; West Europe
Thematic interests: Social complexity, Power, Informal organization, Symbolism, Identity, Technology, Action theory, History. Methods. History of Anthropology.


Publications on AnthroBase

Nielsen, Finn Sivert ENG Cultural networks and mediating elites. A very unfinished model of the informal circulation of cultural values in the Soviet Union, with some questions about the post-Soviet situation 30 K
Nielsen, Finn Sivert NO En stemme fra tausheten: Vladimir Vysotskij og Russland 29 K
Nielsen, Finn Sivert ENG "Models of social complexity" - What is theory? 22 K
Nielsen, Finn Sivert ENG Soviet Culture -- Russian Kul’tura
[Culture, ideology and globalization in the Soviet Union and thereafter, compared to similar Western phenomena]

31 K

Nielsen, Finn Sivert ENG

The Eye of the Whirlwind. Russian Identity and Soviet Nation-Building. Quests for Meaning in a Soviet Metropolis - Preface to the Russian Edition

85 K
Nielsen, Finn Sivert
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland
NO Til verdens ende og tilbake: Antropologiens historie
Kapittel 4. Ekspansjon og institusjonsbygging
82 KB