About AnthroBase
A brief introduction to AnthroBase.
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AnthroBase is a multilingual, searchable database of articles, theses, essays, reports, conference papers, field-notes etc., written by anthropologists and others with an interest in social and cultural diversity. Authors retain copyright to their texts and may withdraw their texts from the database at any time.

AnthroBase accepts texts that are concerned with documenting and understanding social and cultural diversity. Anthropological texts form the core of the collection, but we invite contributions from philosophers, historians, pedagogues, political scientists, psychologists, linguists, economists, journalists and others with appropriate interests. Texts on AnthroBase are indexed according to theme, citation, region, author and title, and indexed categories of texts are saved on separate category pages that may be bookmarked and saved by any user.

AnthroBase provides a free publishing opportunity for "the interesting text that never was published". Such texts are written every year by students, researchers and applied anthropologists around the world. Our aim is to bring them - collectively - to the attention of the general anthropological - and global - public. Please spread the word about us to colleagues, students, and anyone else who might be interested. 

AnthroBase offers texts that may be freely downloaded, printed, linked to or bookmarked. Copies of downloaded or printed texts may be distributed to colleagues or students free of charge, provided the text is in no way altered.  Fully formatted, printed master copies and bound editions of our texts may be ordered from AnthroBase at a nominal charge. Downloaded texts must not be utilized for commercial purposes without the author’s written consent.

AnthroBase today contains texts in Danish, English, German, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish. We also take texts in French and Russian. Texts in other languages will be included as we locate proficient language editors. Click here to see our present language editors.

AnthroBase went online in May 2001. The collection has since then expanded considerably, not only in size, but in regional and thematic coverage, as well as analytical style. We may refuse texts for editorial or ethical reasons, but our acceptance policy is eclectic and open-minded - if it’s interesting and readable, we’ll publish it.

AnthroBase is the result of time-consuming and unpaid work. We therefore cannot promise ultra-prompt responses to your orders, requests or queries. We welcome your suggestions as to how the site might be improved - and your practical assistance with implementing the improvements... Contact us!