Society is a reality sui generis; it has its own
characteristics that are either not found in the rest of the universe
or are not found there in the same form. The representations that express
society therefore have an altogether different content from the purely
individual representations, and one can be certain in advance that the
former addsomething to the latter. The manner in which both kinds of representations are
formed brings about their differentiation. Collective representationsare
the product of animmense cooperation that extends not only through space
but also through time; to make them, a multitude of different minds have
associated, intermixed, and combined their ideas and feelings; long generationshav
accumulated their experience and knowledge. A very special intellectuality
that is infinitely richer and more complex than that of the individual
is distilled in them. That being the case, we understand how reason has
gained thepower to go beyond the range of empirical cognition. It owes
this power not to some mysterious virtue but simply to the fact that,
as the well-known formula has it, man is double. In him ar two beings:
an individual being that has its basis in the body and whose sphere of
action is strictly limited by that fact, and a social being that represents
within us the highest reality in the intellectual and moral realm that
is knowable through observation: I mean society. |